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A Jolly Good Time?

  As the holidays approach we look to the changing weather, the lively television programs. the constant family gatherings and much more. But as the days move along has anyone actually paused to think how it's still 80 ° in November? Honestly, it has already been a season of major wins and losses after this major election but noticeably the climate is getting a whole lot worse , and it’s hard to ignore. While we’re swapping sweaters for swimsuits in the middle of November, it begs the question: What is actually happening to our planet? Climate change isn't just some distant, future threat. It's here, impacting the way we live, work, and even celebrate the holidays. From unseasonably warm winters to intense hurricanes and wildfires, the effects are clear. Yet, as we focus on politics, social issues, and holiday shopping, it can be easy to overlook just how critical it is to take action.

Ohh Victoria, is it still a Secret?

New Collection or More Destruction

What is Sustainability?

What's Fashion Got to do With It?

Is it Damaging or Designer?